Audit intelligent Traffic Light Installation (iTLI)

July 2020

Traffic Signal Control systems are getting smarter. For a while, detection systems have already been responding to the needs of different traffic groups (such a priority for bus lane traffic, etc). Today, it is also possible to implement intelligent Traffic Light Installation (iTLI ), with data actually being sent to and received from various road users.

By following adaptive advisory speeds, generated by iTLI, drivers can approach intersections in such a way that a green light will await them upon arrival. This improves the traffic flow and reduces waiting times and emissions. iTLI is now installed by various municipalities within The Netherlands.

We provide audits to evaluate the operations of iTLI. We do this on a technical and operational level. To achieve a valuable audit, we draw up a checklist which is partly acted on remotely (via back office) and partly on location. At Helmond City Council we recently tested 32 iTLIs in this way. We checked the correct technical operations and took into account the dynamics and interaction between iTLI and road users. Any imperfections were duly included in our reports, with the provision of appropriate advice to improve the situation.

In addition to our knowledge and experience on the subject, we also contribute to further innovations. We recently took part in a trial for cyclist’s inclusion of iTLI operations. Via the RingRing-app, it has become possible to generate green flows for cyclists. Providing that a coherent off-road cycle path system is available, integrated in the regular Traffic Signal Control (standard in The Netherlands), a green light for cyclists will be generated if five or more cyclists with the app approach the same junction.

iTLI has a clear future to improve traffic flows, with a higher level of satisfaction to be achieved for all road users. As an independent partner, not linked to either a council body or manufacturer of the equipment, we act as a valuable partner, truly providing sound reporting, turning mobility objectives into reality.